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The old and paternalistic Holy Roman Empire is torn by the rivalry between the Habsburgs and the Hohenzollerns and they will try to unite the German Empire and bring it under their hegemonies Austria and Prussia are not likely to let another Polish-Saxon union happen and any ties with the Polish kingdom threaten Saxony's sovereignty so keeping a balance is essential Although you are in an alliance with Prussia, having a decent standing army would prove useful not to mention the danger of another war with the Habsburgs Crisis in Europe and France's inability to take any action have only encouraged Joseph II in his ambitions. Try allying yourself with protestant states like Hanover and Hesse-Kassel first, Bavaria is more likely to ally with Austria. Forming alliances with other German states is indispensable and should be your primary strategy.

Catherine the Great's influence in the HRE is considerable so flattering the Russian Tsarina might have its conveniences and help preserve Saxony's independence.

The Electorate's power does not lie in size and military strength but in diplomacy. With the advantage of being an intermediary, you will have the opportunity to build your economy. Maintaining trade with other German states and picking the right ministers will bring prosperity. You still have resources collected after the Treaty of Teschen which ended the War of the Bavarian Succession, and how you invest those funds will determine Saxony's status.

Do not forget to pay attention to the risings in France, it is hard to tell what will come out of it but one thing is for certain: Europe is not ready for changes and any revolution coming from France will immediately be opposed by all other European monarchies and will bring them in a closeness never seen before.

Historical Characters:


  1. Churfürst: Friedrich August III
  2. Kabinettsminister: Heinrich Gottlieb von Stutterheim
  3. Kabinettsminister: Johann Adolf vom Loß (generic portrait)
  4. Kabinettsminister: Carl-Abraham Graf von Fritsch (generic portrait)
  5. Kabinettsminister: Karl August von Gersdorff
  6. Kabinettsminister: Adolf Heinrich Graf von Schönberg
  7. Christian Gotthelf von Gutschmid
  8. Otto Friedrich von Loeben
  9. Friedrich Ludwig von Wurmb
  10. Johann Georg Graf von Einsiedel
  11. Detlef Karl Graf von Einsiedel


  1. Ludwig Ernst von Benckendorf (starting general)
  2. Prinz Friedrich Ferdinand Constantin von Sachsen-Weimar (recruit before 1793)
  3. Friedrich Ludwig Aster (no recruitment limitations)
  4. Heinrich Wilhelm von Zeschau (no recruitment limitations)
  5. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Funck (no recruitment limitations)
  6. Heinrich Adolph von Gablenz (no recruitment limitations)
  7. Johann von Thielmann (recruitable from 1785 onwards)
  8. Karl Christian Erdmann von Le Coq (recruitable from 1787 onwards)


  1. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (starting gentleman)
  2. Johann Gottlieb Tielke
  3. Johann Gottfried Herder
  4. Abraham Gottlob Werner
  5. Friedrich Schiller
  6. Christoph Martin Wieland
  7. Johann Gottlieb Fichte


  1. Andreas Graf von Riaucour (starting envoy)
  2. Friedrich August Graf von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf
  3. Hans Moritz Graf von Brühl