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Imperial Splendour Logo

RotR 1.1.9b Patch 3

July 28, 2018

I can present you the 3rd patch for Imperial Splendour - Rise of the Republic 1.1 (the CA stole our name for their newest Rome II DLC :D). The patch contains several bugfixes reported by you over the last few weeks. For more details look at the Changelist. All changes should be savegame compatible (with a few only appearing when starting a new campaign).

  1. France:
    • French Republican general recruitable in custom battles
    • Grenadiers à Cheval and several other Republican units now recruitable in the campaign
    • Assigned the Republican units to the new tech tree
  2. Fixed the bug with the model of the Hanoverian artillery officer which caused a CTD during battle load.
  3. Fixed several German leader titles (Pfalz-Baiern, Hessen-Kassel and Wirtemberg)
  4. Sweden:
    • Fixed the CTD during battles when dragoons were dismounting
    • Sweden can now build new ships
    • Ministers have now correct titles
  5. Corrected the "number" of some leaders and successors
  6. Venice is now a "constitutional monarchy" because it fits better their government system with Doges elected for the rest of their lives
  7. Fixed wrong portraits for Ferdinando IV of Neapels
  8. Fixed wrong name for the Austrian successor
  9. Added better versions of the historical maps (still needs some more work)
  10. Russia is not at the start in peace with the Ottoman Empire
  11. Dagestan is now at peace with the Barbary States at the beginning of a new campaign.

Download Patch 3

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